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Monday, December 17, 2007
Young Graphic Desingers

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bonfire 2007

Preparations were going on at 1 pm when i went to school to collect my stuff from school. Then i thought that they are providing us with vast space so the bonfire will turn out to better than the welcome party we had. At 6.30 people started to come to the bonfire and people who were without slips werent allowed to enter by strictness of Sir yahya...still some managed to come to in. It was a slow start we forced to sit down...some thought that there had been chairs and tables but they didnt understand that other people enjoyed the night by sitting on the floor. We had two girls *i dun rmr their names* giving a start by singing songs thn umair asif aka Birdie was called to song followed by PAF CHAPTER IDOL Umar bin Zaheer. Agha Shahzaib and M. Sadiq came out infront of the crowd dancing
What people expected was :
5- NO DJ
(sources. forum )
The music society president promised for a rock gig later that evening. They didn't have proper music arrangements. When the guitar used to word the drums stopped working when the drums they than bass bass guitars stopped and when instruments workd than the vocals mic stopped if it started working than both the A1's and A2's bands could have rocked the evening. A1 band gave up by not singing because there guitars werent working. Than we didn't have welcome party wala DJ so u can expect wht type of music we got but tht other DJ tried hard and did boost up the bonfire.
At around quarter to ten food was served and we had typical City school menu tikkas, bihari kababs and biryani. Desserts were Carrot Halwa and kulfi and drinks were served to. Food tasted fantastically well and than there was coffee at 10.20pm music was started again and that meant to stop eating :P
Over all I enjoyed Bonfire... :)
P.S. Videos and Pictures will be uploaded soon
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Debates Society

It has been almost 5 months since the new Academic year started at PAF Chapter. The A-levels Section of PAF Chapter is the only section in PAF Chapter which is very active in Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities. The only section that has Societies that organize regular intra and inter school competitions. Amongst the more active societies of our school is the Debates Society headed by Kaneez Zainab, the Deputy Head Girl and Shoaib Bhatti, a relatively unknown figure.

Being an avid follower of the Debating Society, I will only highlight some of the shady selections it has been engaged in. The Journalism, Sports, Outreach, Science and toher Societies haven't been very transparent in their selections-for-competitions either. Perhaps the worthy Presidents would bless us an explanation anyway.
Let me begin at the beginning. The Debating Society's President, Kaneez Zainab, announced in the assembly at the beginning of the term that trials will be held to rank the debaters in our school and make teams for a Parliamentary Debates competition. These trials did take place in due time. Four Parliamentary Style teams (3 debaters in one team) were constituted on basis of these trials. The actual competition took place in the Basement and Library from 12th to 15th of November, 2007. The final was won by Team A, ( Asad Ayub, Kaneez Zainab and Anadil Faqah) against Team C, (Ali Ahmed Khan, Shoaib Bhatti and Faraz Butt). The judges for this competition were invited from SMC and FJDC. Sounds fair enough, but only thus far.

As surprising as it is, 5 of these12 debaters shortlisted for the competition are in the same class as the honorable President and Vice President of the Society. The President and Vice President were themselves part of the teams even though they didn't participate in the so-called 'Trials'. Another thing worth noting is the caliber of the rest of the people short listed in the trial for this very important competition. Some of them couldn't even speak for 2 minutes on the podium and after crying things like "I can't do it!" scurried out of the room. These, my friends, are supposedly the top 12 debaters of The City School PAF Chapter's A-level Section!
Or are they? One only wonders how can 5 of the best debaters in a school can be in the same class as the Society President and Vice President. What's more puzzling is the elimination of some of the very good

Kaneez Zainab raising a Point of Information
Distinguished Heads of School listning to the
Final between Team A and Team C
Apart from the Parliamentary Deabtes Competition, our school also participated in the Lecol'e Institute Inter-School Declamation Contest. Only 5 or 6 people were part of the auditions for this competition. And I know for a fact that Ibad Rizvi, our Deputy Head Boy, charged upto Miss. Neelum after the audiontion results were announced to demand fresh auditions. He claimed he wasn't given enough time and would do much better than those selected for Lecole. Maybe he would have done much better, I don't know, but the two speakers selected for Leco'le (Maleeha Javed and Maham Rizvi) were eliminated in the first round. Surely, PAF Chapter is not a school that should get eliminated in 1st rounds. It is apparent thus, that the teams our school have been sending aren't the best teams. But the paradox here is that the best speakers in our school are a few. And the Debating Society President and Vice President are two of them! So, is it justified to select these the few good speakers to represent our school over and over again or everyone should be given a chance? If everyone is given a chance, as was the case in The Lecol'e Contest, will our school ever be able to advance more than the 1st round?
The Heads of Societies are there to facilitate the members and prepare teams for different competitions/events. There is a large number of students who demand that they shouldn't be allowed to participate in competitions/events organized by their own Societies. Maybe if the Heads are so good, they should resign from their posts and just be active participants instead. Last year, Imran Hassan and Anam Alvi (President and VP of Deabates Society) didn't participate in a single public speaking competition themselves. Isn't that better way of leading our Societies?
Our Counselor and Headmistress certainly don't think so. The same people are Heads of Societies, Heads of Prfectorial Council and represent our school in Debating or other Competitions every now and then. A selected group of students or 'benefactors' of the Society Heads maybe are being selected for all the Sports, Science, Outreach, Journalism and Debates Society competitions. The Heads of Societies are themselves into everything. Arun Kumar, Faizan Naqvi, Anadil Faqah, Hamad Zafar, Mansoor-ul-Haq, Kaneez Zainab, Shoaib Bhatti etc. are the most frequent participants of the competitions and events being organized by their respective Societies. The A-levels section has 600 students not 7! Where are the rest of the 593 students? Clapping in the audience?!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Mid Terms Examination Time Table
4.12.07 Tue Law 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Computing 8:30 am - 10:30 am
5.12.07 Wed General Paper 8:30 am - 10:30 am
6.12.07 Thurs Economics 8:30 am - 11:00 am (A1)
8:30 am - 10:30 am (A2)
7.12.07 Fri Physics 8:30 am - 10:30 am (A1)
8:30 am - 10:30 am (A2)
10.12.07 Mon Mathematics 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Further Math 10:45 am - 12:45 am
11.12.07 Tue Business St. 8:30 am - 10:30 am
12.12.07 Wed Chemistry 8:30 am - 10:30am (A1)
8:30 am - 9:30 am (A2)
Sociology 8:30 am - 11:30 am
13.12.07 Thurs Accounting 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Psychology 8:30 am - 11:30 am
14.12.07 Fri Graphic Design 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
15.12.07 Sa t Urdu 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Art 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Mid Terms Examinations
Do not stress yourself too much and don't completely cut off yourself from your routine because your mind will not be able to adjust comfortably to a completely different phase which can hurt your preparation so keep performing your daily activities (few of them) in

And whatever the results are, remember It is never too late and you can always start going into the classes and catch up where you left.. =) or start from the scratch (for some very special cases )
The Blog wishes the best of lucks to all our students and promises a edition for you guys right after the Exams. The Blog will keep you up-to-date even when we are not in our school and are on Winter Holidays
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Here we go Again

On the 28th of November i was sent back home.. because i came late to school, and what a day i missed, The Campus Confidential posted there second issue on the board. But they so didn't wanted me to see the Issue that when i came back to school the next day on the 29th of November it was all gone.. with the board facing the walls. What an issue it must've been 'eh?. so i went down and searched for all i could get about the issue.
Then i saw the whole CC gang standing outside Miss Shireen's Office,thats when things started to sink in and i got a hang of what went wrong, "in the search of getting some publicity CC went on to the wrong tracks" A member of the Student's Body said.
The Campus Confidential used pictures to show some exciting things but things which could harm the image of the School as well... The head boy goes bonkers working for us and what he gets at the end of the day a photo wid him lying down and watching another guy using his cell phone. That is nothing but being unfair with Fazil Maniya my friend.
Campus Confidential seriously needs a change in there group,ammendemts where members with a peanut sized brains are concerned, because when you are given the responsibility to run a School visual mag your top priority should be the image of the campus and not the amount of people you attract to it. So yeah! one person with a peanut sized brain, keep that on your list because you people need it.
I will not mention the girl by any way... but whatever you showed about the poor thing was such a n inappropriate way to get things going, almost unbelievable you guys did that. Read the post beneath this... we expected a lot from you guys but i guess the campus confidential is an another Misbah (our cricketer). CC n misbha's unique tactics,never fail to shock us!
And i guess they didn't even get things checked by Miss Shireen this time, well from now on every Campus Confidential Issue if we see any..it will all be screened by our own Head Mistress Miss Shireen
One of the top CC members was heard saying " First they say we are not confidential enough then say what we did was wrong... we didn't do anything wrong what the heck..."
I wont comment on that.. you just have to laugh on this one :P
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Campus Confidential!
Our very popular Prefect Alyzeh Rizvi is also one of the news of the Campus Confidential this time :P (sources have told me..). They have impressed me with there background, and they just need to play along the start they had from their first issue and they will do absolutely awesome.
The Campus Confidential thinks we hate them.. and we are immature :P ( i heard that hafsa )
but on the contray we just can't wait for it to come out.. not that i want to bash them again with picking up some mistakes they made, I still stand by what i said in my first post about CC, but I must admit they had given me pretty less space to criticize them on.
One man's view is not the view of the whole BlognForum we have 69 other members as well :)
I hope it is an awesome addition to the CC adventure so Good Luck !
Thursday, November 22, 2007
PAF Chapter Idol Success
The Paf Chapter Idol, it has to be said, was a success that should be repeated in the years next to come.
The competition showed how immensely talented our students are and was a treat to watch and listen to. It was total comedy till the end if you ask me, from a personal point of view, I think the judgment criteria was a bit questionable but they just followed the trend so its never their fault...
The Contestants are as follows
Agha Shahzaib - Mere dil ke chain (eliminated in the first round :P)
He started... and we all wanted to *bang our heads in laughter* but.. as he was the first singer of the event so he was appreciated by the crowd
Sabih was very stiff and looked a bit nervous, all credits to him, he looks such a shy person but actually joined and performed for the Pafian Idol
Well.. birdie had support :P.. thats for sure. and he was shining through in his song.. check his picture. a pretty ordinary attempt to a nice song
i have got nothing to say for him.. he left us stunned by the elvis dance.. hail to the king :P
look at the picture above dude.. you'll get to know what I am trying to say!!
Kiran Naureen - Kabhi to Nazar milao
She was a delight to hear, her voice was versatile and had a beautiful way of singing she went to the final round but unfortunately could not capture the crowd with the performance, which was the main criteria kept for the finals
Saria Rafiq - Pal Pal
This was a very nice song chosen and performed by Saria. she deserved every moment of the applaud the crowd gave to her in the response of that song, she got lucky and her video got selected to be uploaded on the site.. i will try to upload as many videos as i can in the coming weeks of different performances
She had a very sweet voice and her sound selection was awesome... it was a very unfair decision to eliminate her in the second round where she performed a flawless " Silsila yeh chahat ka", alyzeh could have made it to the third round but she failed to do so because as far as i think the judges were most concerned with crowds enjoying. The crowd have no taste of music they dont appreciate the song from the 70's and 80's....
She was a shocker, we all thought she was going to be eliminated in the first round, she sounded so well with her Dil ki Lagi that she had to get her points for the second round but in my rankings she was deserving the 3rd position in the competition.
over all awesome singing and dancing by Palvesha. She got a little hyper in the end when the judges asked for some presentation.
Muneeb - Lagan Lagi
You know if we could have actually shut up everyone else and listen to this dude.. he was very nice with his voice.. but was a bit low in volume
but i loved the way he went with his lyrics *sorry for not having a pic of you*
Faraaz Shah - Yoon Shabnami
Har baar kuch bolna zaroori hai kiya.. im tired now.. :P
Shohaib Rao- Lukha chuppi
i would prefer myself to stay quiet and let you people watch the picture above. it says all there has to be said.Feel the concentration in it dude.
Umar bin Zaheer - JHOOM barabar Jhoom
He was a rocker... he had the voice.. the pitch... the sound.. the style to get himself the first position quite easily. He had the crowd swaying with his song.
what i observed from his singing.. :P.. "If you want to sing good close your eyes the minute your song starts"...(We will upload a video of omar soon)
Kiran Nuareen, Umer bin Zaheer & Palvesha yahya were the three contestants that qualified in the final and the positions were as follows
1st Umer Bin Zaheer
2nd Palvesha Yahya
3rd Kiran Nuareen
The music society president announced that we will have rock gig in school. Students who are interested can contact him.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Scrabble Competition

It was on 16th November 2007. Mrs Neelam (Counselor) and Fatima Urooba (Journalism Society President) were the judges. It was of 2 hours, each player got 3 minutes to make a word and if failed to do so the person would get a zero and next person got his turn. Ali Abid Kazmi from the Red House got the first position, Essa Saulat was second frm the Green House and Anam Tariq was third from Blue House. The runner ups were:
- Palwasha Ali (Yellow House)
- Saad Saeed (Red House)
- Sana Ghufran (Blue House)
- Ali Ahmed Khan (Green House)
- One more from the Blue house i dont remember her name will be updated by tomorow *sorry for the inconvenience*
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Green House Wins Inter House Cricket Tournament

The Inter-house cricket tournament took place on the 13th and the 14th of nov.
Blue house and Green house came up in the finals
The Blue house chose to bat first. The Green house's first bowl, Daniyal Shehzada, sent off the opening batsman of the Blue house on the very first ball and then with Bilal Ansari, Who broke in the middle order and got 3 very valuable wickets, they both restricted Blue house to a total of 135.
Abbas Lone,captain of the Blue house, looked in sound form but was also caught very early in a potentially dangerous innings
The Green house saw a very sound start to its innings by their Captain Moin Bhagat to chase down the total mounted up by the Blue house and Shaheer Iqbal (man of the match) played the best knock of his career 48 and was unfortunately bowled out 2 runs short off a half century
the other batsmen merely played their part and The Green House won The Inter House Cricket Tournament
The Artistic Side of PAF
Monday, November 12, 2007
On the Walls near you..
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Paf bags FPS and AKU Tournament
The match was played at FPS gulshan branch On Nov 08 '07 at 8pm. match was played really well by both teams but what u can say PAF are the best. Raja, Mazz and Mansoor were the high scorers. There was some coordination problem between our players as Mansoor didn’t avail the best passes made by raja. Supporters of paf also made our players to score more... and the referees were giving wrong fouls which were in favor of lyceum... but in the supporters of PAF chapter there were two gurls of LYCEUM cheering for PAF chapter..Now thats COOL... and the moral of the story iz that PAF was 38 and LYCEUM was at 27....as you can see the LYCEUM people gave a nice competition to us.
First match was against Habib Boys. PAF won 51- 23.
Players included Maaz Sultan, Raja, Aman Ansari, Faraz and Farhan(o levels).
Second match was against Karachi American School. PAF won 61-26. Maaz Sultan made 28
points and Raja 15 points.
Semi Finals were played against Habib Boys again. PAF won.
Aman Ansari made a total of 22 points.
Final was against Gulshan Campus. PAF won 60-50.
Ms. Shireen Karamally also attended the match.
FPS Tournament was held at FPS North Campus (NIPA)
First match was held against St.Micheal. PAF won 37-17. Maaz Sultan scored 16 points.
Players included Hammad Zafar, Muzzammil Syed, Mansor, Qais, Maaz Sultan, Raja, Aman
Ansari, and Ateeb Khan.
Second match was against Lyceum. PAF won.
Final was held against Bay view High School. PAF won. (I don’t remember the score)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Musharraf Imposes Emergency Rule
Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf has declared emergency rule and suspended the country's constitution.
He defended his actions in a national address, saying he was curbing a rise in extremism in Pakistan.
Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry has been replaced and the Supreme Court surrounded by troops, who also entered state-run TV and radio stations.
The moves come as the Supreme Court was due to rule on the legality of Gen Musharraf's October election victory.
The court was to decide whether Gen Musharraf was eligible to run for re-election last month while remaining army chief.
The BBC's Barbara Plett reports from Islamabad that fears had been growing in the government that the Supreme Court ruling could go against Gen Musharraf.
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Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, who recently returned to the country after years of self-exile to lead her party in planned parliamentary elections, was in Dubai on a personal visit when news of the declaration broke.
However, she immediately flew back to Karachi where she condemned Gen Musharraf's decision.
It is not clear whether the parliamentary elections due in January will go ahead. Gen Musharraf made no mention of them in his speech, but he insisted he wanted to restore democracy.
Suicide warning
Pakistan has been engulfed in political upheaval in recent months, and the security forces have suffered a series of blows from pro-Taleban militants opposed to Gen Musharraf's support for the US-led "war on terror".
In a lengthy televised speech late on Saturday, Mr Musharraf said the situation had forced him into making "some very painful decisions".
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"I suspect that Pakistan's sovereignty is in danger unless timely action is taken," he said.
He insisted his decisions were made for the benefit of Pakistan.
"Extremists are roaming around freely in the country, and they are not scared of law-enforcement agencies," the president said.
As well as defending emergency rule to the Pakistani people, Gen Musharraf also appealed directly to his Western allies for patience.
"Kindly understand the criticality of the situation in Pakistan and around Pakistan. Pakistan is on the verge of destabilisation," he said.
"Inaction at this moment is suicide for Pakistan and I cannot allow this country to commit suicide."
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the declaration of emergency rule was "highly regrettable" and called upon Pakistan to have free and fair elections.
UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband also expressed concern, saying it was vital Pakistan's government "abides by the commitment to hold free and fair elections on schedule".
New chief justice
Gen Musharraf's address echoed the text of the declaration of emergency rule, which opens with a reference to the "grave threat" posed by the "visible ascendancy in the activities of extremists and incidents of terrorist attacks".
![]() Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan in response to the news |
The political and judicial core of Islamabad has been shut down, but the rest of the city is functioning normally, our correspondent says.
She says it is clear from reading the emergency proclamation the main target is the judiciary which is accused of interfering in government policy and weakening the struggle against terrorism.
Chief Justice Chaudhry and eight other judges refused to endorse the emergency order, declaring it unconstitutional, resulting in Mr Chaudhry's dismissal.
A new chief justice has been appointed, officials say. He is Supreme Court judge Abdul Hameed Dogar, a supporter of Gen Musharraf who was a member of the special tribunal appointed to investigate allegations of wrongdoing by Mr Chaudhry.
Ms Bhutto's return from self-imposed exile last month came about with the co-operation of Gen Musharraf.
Our correspondent says that in the changed circumstances she will have to decide whether she is returning to lead the opposition against the president, or should wait on the sidelines in the hopes of securing an agreement with him.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Very Confidential Indeed...
Confidentiality.. till the last time i saw the dictionary meant something secret, restricted from the whole wide world or at least a bit private.. see the basic idea this word gave me was umm.. a sense of communication between the students which the administration could not interfere or look into so easily. By no means i mean that they should not be allowed to keep a check on us but... please publishing your first ever so Confidential issue on a soft board... that was just a slap on the face of the hopes

My question... who was the person who couldn't read the *magazine* which was supposed to be just for the students, apart from the domestics who can not read the language which it was in, I was just thinking about it... tomorrow morning ill tell Miss Shireen to close her eyes whenever she passes the board... that might help... orrrr... umm yeh a sign board.. which says "do not read it if you are not a student.." :P
I was very disappointed from that and someone very rightly said "Oh its just another soft board"
But there was another thing that the CC team did which was, ethically, very wrong.
When you start publishing things like these the first thing you see is if your contents are original or not and the next thing you do is to seek permission of publishing anything that is not yours
going through Facebook and picking up pictures from profiles are just not a very nice things to do... don't you think.. When we were about to start the comic, we asked the owner of these very pictures and were rejected but the CC girls very politely copied them and kept the owner unaware of the fact ( a pleasant surprise perhaps?).
This is not to look down upon anything... it was just my point of view and was pretty much on the face. I wish best of luck to The Campus Confidential team (which it needs quiet badly :P)
To sum it up.. we think they should be true to the name of their magazine.. and keep it a bit more confidential because this seriously was not confidential at all and this is a personal request to the Campus Confidential team from the owner of the pictures they published...well she is very nice and would just tell them not to do it again
We don't hate you.. you just were not confidential at all..
PAF Chapter A-level Blog n Forums
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
.::Alevels Chat Room Launch::.
We are proud to declare the launch of Our new Chat room!..A place where we

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Join SIUT Volunteer Work [111-000-313]

Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplant
This post is to let you know that the time to register as volunteers in this very beautiful cause is ending soon.It is my humble request to every student in PAF to join this cause, the experience in SIUT is sometimes life changing. Join in through the Out reach society but they have a limited seat through which you get in, our suggestion to you would be to call them personally, and get yourself registered [111-000-313]
The trend of volunteer work has not been yet established in City Schools as much as it is in other schools, i realized this when i was doing it this summer. Lets change the trend and make PAF have the highest number of Volunteers working for the poor who are the real people in need of our help.

..::::..The first successful liver transplant in Pakistan was perfor