It has been almost 5 months since the new Academic year started at PAF Chapter. The A-levels Section of PAF Chapter is the only section in PAF Chapter which is very active in Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities. The only section that has Societies that organize regular intra and inter school competitions. Amongst the more active societies of our school is the Debates Society headed by Kaneez Zainab, the Deputy Head Girl and Shoaib Bhatti, a relatively unknown figure.

Being an avid follower of the Debating Society, I will only highlight some of the shady selections it has been engaged in. The Journalism, Sports, Outreach, Science and toher Societies haven't been very transparent in their selections-for-competitions either. Perhaps the worthy Presidents would bless us an explanation anyway.
Let me begin at the beginning. The Debating Society's President, Kaneez Zainab, announced in the assembly at the beginning of the term that trials will be held to rank the debaters in our school and make teams for a Parliamentary Debates competition. These trials did take place in due time. Four Parliamentary Style teams (3 debaters in one team) were constituted on basis of these trials. The actual competition took place in the Basement and Library from 12th to 15th of November, 2007. The final was won by Team A, ( Asad Ayub, Kaneez Zainab and Anadil Faqah) against Team C, (Ali Ahmed Khan, Shoaib Bhatti and Faraz Butt). The judges for this competition were invited from SMC and FJDC. Sounds fair enough, but only thus far.

As surprising as it is, 5 of these12 debaters shortlisted for the competition are in the same class as the honorable President and Vice President of the Society. The President and Vice President were themselves part of the teams even though they didn't participate in the so-called 'Trials'. Another thing worth noting is the caliber of the rest of the people short listed in the trial for this very important competition. Some of them couldn't even speak for 2 minutes on the podium and after crying things like "I can't do it!" scurried out of the room. These, my friends, are supposedly the top 12 debaters of The City School PAF Chapter's A-level Section!
Or are they? One only wonders how can 5 of the best debaters in a school can be in the same class as the Society President and Vice President. What's more puzzling is the elimination of some of the very good

Kaneez Zainab raising a Point of Information
Distinguished Heads of School listning to the
Final between Team A and Team C
Apart from the Parliamentary Deabtes Competition, our school also participated in the Lecol'e Institute Inter-School Declamation Contest. Only 5 or 6 people were part of the auditions for this competition. And I know for a fact that Ibad Rizvi, our Deputy Head Boy, charged upto Miss. Neelum after the audiontion results were announced to demand fresh auditions. He claimed he wasn't given enough time and would do much better than those selected for Lecole. Maybe he would have done much better, I don't know, but the two speakers selected for Leco'le (Maleeha Javed and Maham Rizvi) were eliminated in the first round. Surely, PAF Chapter is not a school that should get eliminated in 1st rounds. It is apparent thus, that the teams our school have been sending aren't the best teams. But the paradox here is that the best speakers in our school are a few. And the Debating Society President and Vice President are two of them! So, is it justified to select these the few good speakers to represent our school over and over again or everyone should be given a chance? If everyone is given a chance, as was the case in The Lecol'e Contest, will our school ever be able to advance more than the 1st round?
The Heads of Societies are there to facilitate the members and prepare teams for different competitions/events. There is a large number of students who demand that they shouldn't be allowed to participate in competitions/events organized by their own Societies. Maybe if the Heads are so good, they should resign from their posts and just be active participants instead. Last year, Imran Hassan and Anam Alvi (President and VP of Deabates Society) didn't participate in a single public speaking competition themselves. Isn't that better way of leading our Societies?
Our Counselor and Headmistress certainly don't think so. The same people are Heads of Societies, Heads of Prfectorial Council and represent our school in Debating or other Competitions every now and then. A selected group of students or 'benefactors' of the Society Heads maybe are being selected for all the Sports, Science, Outreach, Journalism and Debates Society competitions. The Heads of Societies are themselves into everything. Arun Kumar, Faizan Naqvi, Anadil Faqah, Hamad Zafar, Mansoor-ul-Haq, Kaneez Zainab, Shoaib Bhatti etc. are the most frequent participants of the competitions and events being organized by their respective Societies. The A-levels section has 600 students not 7! Where are the rest of the 593 students? Clapping in the audience?!