Confidentiality.. till the last time i saw the dictionary meant something secret, restricted from the whole wide world or at least a bit private.. see the basic idea this word gave me was umm.. a sense of communication between the students which the administration could not interfere or look into so easily. By no means i mean that they should not be allowed to keep a check on us but... please publishing your first ever so Confidential issue on a soft board... that was just a slap on the face of the hopes

My question... who was the person who couldn't read the *magazine* which was supposed to be just for the students, apart from the domestics who can not read the language which it was in, I was just thinking about it... tomorrow morning ill tell Miss Shireen to close her eyes whenever she passes the board... that might help... orrrr... umm yeh a sign board.. which says "do not read it if you are not a student.." :P
I was very disappointed from that and someone very rightly said "Oh its just another soft board"
But there was another thing that the CC team did which was, ethically, very wrong.
When you start publishing things like these the first thing you see is if your contents are original or not and the next thing you do is to seek permission of publishing anything that is not yours
going through Facebook and picking up pictures from profiles are just not a very nice things to do... don't you think.. When we were about to start the comic, we asked the owner of these very pictures and were rejected but the CC girls very politely copied them and kept the owner unaware of the fact ( a pleasant surprise perhaps?).
This is not to look down upon anything... it was just my point of view and was pretty much on the face. I wish best of luck to The Campus Confidential team (which it needs quiet badly :P)
To sum it up.. we think they should be true to the name of their magazine.. and keep it a bit more confidential because this seriously was not confidential at all and this is a personal request to the Campus Confidential team from the owner of the pictures they published...well she is very nice and would just tell them not to do it again
We don't hate you.. you just were not confidential at all..
PAF Chapter A-level Blog n Forums
tht is so true
hmm.. this post is a bit oxymoronic...self contradictory, in other words..on one hand, u you so strongly condemn the act of copying pics off from facebook, and on the other, criticise CC as not being confidential. if you are so concerned about ethics, u shudn't be so eager to see 'secret' and 'hidden from the whole world' stuff on display for the entire skool to read.
i think campus confedential has taken off a great start, and it is a show of brilliant creativity. i do agree that it needs improvement, and it is very wrong to copy pics without permission, but that doesn't mean we should disregard the effort that has gone into it..
and consider urself lucky if u came across the 'just another soft board' comment...because it took me quite some effort to be able to read the soft board in the throng of people who were glued to it!
all the time they had talked about how confidential the *magazine* would be...this was just the oposite and no matter what you say, they WERE not true to the name...
and copying things has got nothing to do with secrecy of the magazine..
i hope the CC girls take this criticism in a positive way and
change the name of the magazine :P
(it was a joke.. but they should think about it anyway :P)|
Well........... If u call it a magzine, then it IS supposed to be under critism as everyone thought it'd be some magzine, but it turned out as display on the soft board.
Well you seem like you're scared that CC will steal your limelight!
Just accept them as competition and respect their existence instead of criticising them.
I didn't notice any criticism about the blog or forum on CC!
And if it was 'Confidential' then it would never be allowed to be published, Ms. Karamally wouldn't allow anything like that!
My point being, don't act like they are a threat to you, it makes you look like a sore loser!
*No offence meant to anyone from the teams of CC or blog n forum!*
well they defied the whole meaning of 'Campus Confidential' and the whole thing was nothing like the name suggested...
the poll i thought was a good idea, the interview was ok, but wasnt it supposed to be a 'visual magazine'? i mean ok, there were two sketches or drawings or whatever but this wasnt supposed to be an arts board! no offence, the drawings were great, but they should be on some arts related soft board... apart from the drawings, there were only a few pics... most of them not so well used... thats all the 'visual' stuff there was... then there was some article or something with a lot of text, which no one seemed to read, including me, because it was supposed to be 'visual' and not boring old stories...
in the end, where was the whole 'Campus Confidential' theme??
taha thanks.. i wanted that to come up...
the first thing i wanted to see in the CC was some thing about us so that could help us get ourselves right.. any criticism
I am not scared from CC the whole thing makes this experience all the more fun, where i know there are people who will do better stuff from us..
i just wanted them to know that they disappointed me as i was eagerly waiting for something from the Campus Confidential to rock me off my chair when i see it..
it was just their first issue.. by no means i would want them to close down.. i just made sure.. they would take these harsh comments to bring up a better issue next time
First of all i think what they did was NOT AT ALL THAT BAD!!! these people worked really hard, i saw them doing so....
ok what they did might not have been right but this simply doesn't mean THAT U GUYS SITTIG BEHIND THERE SHOULD DEMOTIVATE THEM!!! besides everyone takes time to grow and become mature EVEN U PEOPLE DID, so before commenting upon others ideas think first and look out for something ENCOURAGING in that!!
WEll thats it!!
First of all i think what they did was NOT AT ALL THAT BAD!!! these people worked really hard, i saw them doing so....
ok what they did might not have been right but this simply doesn't mean THAT U GUYS SITTIG BEHIND THERE SHOULD DEMOTIVATE THEM!!! besides everyone takes time to grow and become mature EVEN U PEOPLE DID, so before commenting upon others ideas think first and look out for something ENCOURAGING in that!!
WEll thats it!!
well for tht i also need to say something tht is we are mature enough ok and where as its their turn to become one thn god help them become mature and when we started offff wid something we started wid everyones picture not going to somebodys profile and searching their albums and printing them we do things wid rule not like tht
see this is stupid... we love this idea..of Campus confidential thingy...
my points were all very valid and i know the girls would be clever enough to take this positevly
i was a bit harsh in my comments because i thought it would leave an impact.
and first we wanted to merge wid em well we still do i hope the girls read this =D
Chapter is big enough for the both of you!
CC has done a pretty good job!
when did we say tht it aint big or it has done a bad job stealing pictures isnt a good job or wht if i steal music my any underground band and say these songs are by me how will the band feel
OK! That is a somewhat baseless argument! The CC people can challenge you for using copyright artwork as well!
Let's just leave what they do and how they do it! At the end of our session the better one will clearly stand out in the minds and hearts of the students!
I really like the way you people are managing this place and really appreciate Lamak's efforts but this is whole different thing from what CC is! This is Daily and in some cases even an Hourly!! CC on the other hand is just a summary of the whole month's happening's!
thanks if that was to appreciate us :P
and lamky is being a help i always knew he would yeh we three are pleased to hear that
well after all that i heard at the school about the blog being totally ridiculous about us...i decided to check it be honest the whole team will take all this criticism constructively. However two major issues highlighted here really annoy us! the first being an allegation that we "stole pictures" ..well first off that is obviously none of your concern but even if u care let me just tell you that if this is about the pictures of those girls...guess what? they are really good friends who actually suggested this in the first when they don't mind why are u creating such a story and portraying us as unethical..which i assure u we are not!!
secondly about this whole "confidential thing"... its not my problem that some ppl haven't been blessed with the art of "comprehension" because we said we r CAMPUS CONFIDENTIAL not just confidential...we intended to report all that most ppl refrain from saying...had we been claiming to be "confidential" it would have defeated the whole purpose of the magazine...besides that yes we are a visual mag something i explained in the first briefing that i gave..
So next time u comment on anything ..please make sure u are aware of all the facts and not just whats on the surface!!!
if u were wondering this is the editor in chief of CAMPUS CONFIDENTIAL!
u said tht they are ure frnds ok i agree to this point but still u didnt ask them abt the piks before stealing them for example i have a frnd i he has a cell phone a real expensive one i take it and sell it off without his permission thn when ppl will me frm where i got the money ill also say like u he was my friend thts y i din stole his phone he was my friend thts y i took it away and sold it coz he was my frnd
Miss editor in chief, nice rebuttal there...but people DID have a problem with the pics.......i wont take the name, but one of the girls was really upset about it. if they are u 'really good friends', why not ask for their permission before (i totally agree) 'STEALING' their pics?:P
ok now this is going too far...
CC people got the message we had...
if they did make any mistake, i am sure they will not repeat it...
so can we just leave this behind now??
still they stole the piks
i would like to point out a few things only.
a) in intra-school student magazines like CC, the matter of picture confidentiality really does not exist. one can publish any pics/comments/views on anything that isnt outright bad-mouth defamation. thats how it happens in other schools/unis. some ppl are bound to not like whats pubished, but since when do we have 100% satisfaction rates for anything?! so i'll advice CC to keep punlishing pics without the owners' permission and steal them too if need be! :)
b) magazine content needs alot of improvement. the long articles, like the one on bunking, are really a waste of space. CC shud be interactive and fun not dull and nerdish. i suggest teacher profiles and intersting happenings of the month be put up instead of descriptive essays on welcum party, bunking or whatever.
c) criticism is always good so no need to attribute this post with any of the eloquently handsome names some of the earlier posters have.
d)why dont we discuss the ways to improve next month's CC? like for eg. who wud make an interesting target of the month? i say mis neelum! :D
points b, c, d are great shoaib...
but whoa :O at point 'a'...
i am sure even they will not do something like that again...
shoib said
one can publish any pics/comments/views on anything that isnt outright bad-mouth defamation. thats how it happens in other schools/unis. some ppl are bound to not like whats pubished, but since when do we have 100% satisfaction rates for anything?! so i'll advice CC to keep punlishing pics without the owners' permission and steal them too if need be! :)
haha LMAO stealing piks and considering it as a blessing hav the gutts to bring ure own camera and take piks ure self
see shohaib... i agree to everything you said but the first part of your comment...
see the way they went on having that notice.. saying all of this content is orignal and any disclaimer should come up directly to them..
well the blog saw it.. and went very direct about it..
now.. can't they just accept the fact that it would be very nice if you just ask the person where you are getting this pic from or tell them why you are taking them..
i don't want this discussion to carry on forward..
and i would be the happiest of them all if CC came up with a ground breaking issue next month..
and like we did take permission frm the owner when we made our comic
truth be told, shoaib has a point there in (a)!
if u think of it the pics were all related to school and school life, there was nothing personal about them!
the thing that should be bothering ms.karamally is how those pics were taken! obviously from a cell phone and cell phone's aren't allowed :P
since the subjects of the picture had no problem breaking rules then why should they have any problem if someone uses their pictures??
ponder over that before blatantly accusing CC of 'stealing' :P
still taha it is stealing bcoz first it wasnt frm cell phone it was from a camera and camera s are allowed in school and i still say they stole it
@ saad saeed
"haha LMAO stealing piks and considering it as a blessing hav the gutts to bring ure own camera and take piks ure self"
two of the pics on display were taken from my cell phone on my directions! will it be just if i revert the dare to u now sir?
@ everyone else
i hav a simple question
wud u rather hav a dull all-text mag than one with intersting and funny pics?
if we start asking ppl's persmission for pics, CC wont be half as much interesting since most ppl wud be tentative abt their pics being published. so drop this confidentiality argument now plz!
what abt the mis neelum-being-target-of-the-month thing i suggested? :D
@shoib and two of the piks were stolen frm a girl frm my class is album
@ shohaib
"If we start asking ppl's persmission for pics, CC wont be half as much interesting since most ppl wud be tentative abt their pics being published"
are you having a laugh.. first of all see CC just touched the record of being the least interesting thing ever..
now.. going below this.. man they need to be something really special to do that
yes... people are so dying to give them their pictures and get published... lolz..
haha u guys are so useless i swear. its so obvious YOUR TEAM is just jealous. personally i liked campus comfidential's softboard better than this blog
the more you talk about this the more it seems you're jealous of CC!!
can you people PLEASE stop fighting and end this topic NOW...
could i even care about you thinking i get jealous from the CC ppl
taha dude.. u just need to get a new set of spectacles...
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