Thursday, 11th September: Its official. Election time has come upon us, and it truly has started raining banners, posters, slogans, stickers, and of cour
se all the rest that comes part and parcel of campaigning. As soon as the list of Headboy and Headgirl nominees was put up outside the office around midday Wednesday, the race was on. Tension gripped the humid air as groups gathered, handshakes were made, and masterplans hatched. The morning started off with speeches from the four headboy and headgirl candidates, some impromptu, some well-rehearsed in front of mirrors. The usual chants from the loud group of boys in a corner belonging principally to A2C6 made more noise than the candidates, most audible when cries of 'Saad Saeed ko hatao' and 'Phuppa' were made. Risalat was loudly cheered by vocal supporters, while Zara Naeem and Ali Ahmad Khan received a share of the boos alongside applause. Faraz Butt and Shahzaib Arif looked mild and relaxed, even though Faraz's everlasting microphone proble
ms could have hampered his performance. Fatima Hafsa was laid back and friendly while Palwasha Ali made the aggressive speech, reminding everyone of her past reigns as Head Girl, and hoping for another one. As assembly dispersed, Ali Ahmad Khan coul
d be spotted running up and down the stairs, planting his posters in selected positions, while others had classes to attend. As the day wore on, stickers and posters could be seen to occupy every nook and corner and every shirt and dupatta, as many enjoyed an event that comes only once a year. Support for Risalat Hussain's support was the most vocal, with rallying calls made while some 'Ali as HB' stickers were cleverly converted to 'Risalat as HB' thanks to the craftiness of his supporters. Shahzaib Arif was not seen for most of the day, but that did not hamper his campaign, as his posters and stickers could also be seen floating aro
und the s
ection. Faraz Butt made use of his last name in his posters and tag lines, and the students enjoyed a bit of fun with it too. Around midday was when the crowds started becoming lethargic, owing probably to low blood sugar levels, and many more students could be seen sitting and resting. Sana Ahmed and Palwasha Ali could also be seen making their evident efforts for campaigning with colourful posters, while Fatima Hafsa's attendance in classes could not hamper her efforts, as her friends worked their fingers to the bone. Much verbal support-gathering could also be seen, and A1s had the opportunity to meet some of the candidates. Lastly, of course, Ms. Shireen came to snap pictures with her ultra
compact digital camera while students prayed for Iftar to arrive soon. A day of frantic activity was soon to come to an end. Still, small groups could be seen working away, talking, pasting stickers, making some, and rallying for support. As the day finally came to a close, students lugged their bags with them, still discussing popular future leaders of the section, discussing strategies for the next day. The candidates are strong and the campaigning intense. The stage is set for a truly dazzling showdown for the most coveted positions in the Student Council.
Ali Ahmad Khan

Ali Ahmad Khan
nicely wirrten ALI
osama and fatima should be our future heads of council!
they are anony
Osama n Fatima elected as Headboy n Headgirl respectively. Risalat aka "Phuppa" n Palwasha elected Deputy Headboy n Deputy Headgirl respectively.
at least the heads are hot!!:P
nice nice
very great sharing i really like this blog its very intersting and i hope that you will share more information just like this
very nice sharing articles
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