On the 28th of November i was sent back home.. because i came late to school, and what a day i missed, The Campus Confidential posted there second issue on the board. But they so didn't wanted me to see the Issue that when i came back to school the next day on the 29th of November it was all gone.. with the board facing the walls. What an issue it must've been 'eh?. so i went down and searched for all i could get about the issue.
Then i saw the whole CC gang standing outside Miss Shireen's Office,thats when things started to sink in and i got a hang of what went wrong, "in the search of getting some publicity CC went on to the wrong tracks" A member of the Student's Body said.
The Campus Confidential used pictures to show some exciting things but things which could harm the image of the School as well... The head boy goes bonkers working for us and what he gets at the end of the day a photo wid him lying down and watching another guy using his cell phone. That is nothing but being unfair with Fazil Maniya my friend.
Campus Confidential seriously needs a change in there group,ammendemts where members with a peanut sized brains are concerned, because when you are given the responsibility to run a School visual mag your top priority should be the image of the campus and not the amount of people you attract to it. So yeah! one person with a peanut sized brain, keep that on your list because you people need it.
I will not mention the girl by any way... but whatever you showed about the poor thing was such a n inappropriate way to get things going, almost unbelievable you guys did that. Read the post beneath this... we expected a lot from you guys but i guess the campus confidential is an another Misbah (our cricketer). CC n misbha's unique tactics,never fail to shock us!
And i guess they didn't even get things checked by Miss Shireen this time, well from now on every Campus Confidential Issue if we see any..it will all be screened by our own Head Mistress Miss Shireen
One of the top CC members was heard saying " First they say we are not confidential enough then say what we did was wrong... we didn't do anything wrong what the heck..."
I wont comment on that.. you just have to laugh on this one :P