Sunday, January 27, 2008

BasketBall Team Strikes Again!

1 . Hammad Z
2 . Muzammil
3 . Raja J
4 . Maaz S
5. Aman A
6. Qais R

This match was at the NAD UNIVERSITY and it was arranged by our own coach SIR TARIQ.
The team was not in the form firstly as RAJA and MAAZ were unable to make there three pointers and there was a lack of co-ordination but out of nowhere MAAZ made three consecutive three pointer *SWISSH* then AMAN made his signature Lay-Up, every one started playing and co-ordination started to build. The FINAL SCORE was "42 PAF - 29 NAD" yes thats right 42-29 nobody can stop our team from playing the best and wining all the matches. WAY TO GO TEAM!!